Open Mainframe Project
John Mertic, Linux Foundation (JM)
Scott Fagen, CA (SF) *
Phil Tully, ADP (PT) *
Berthold Gunreben, SUSE (BG) *
Marcel Mitran, IBM (MM)
Dale Hoffman, IBM (DH) *
(voting members denoted by asterisks)
JM opened the meeting at 12:28pm
JM welcomes PT to the group.
JM restated the TSC objectives as stated in the charter. PT asked if we could share the Charter with the group. JM said he would. PT asked if we could also have a space to share current documents, JM said he would check to see if the LF could provide a wiki and the costs, will follow up.
JM presented the topics for today’s call. BH asked a question around approaching academic institutions, MM said we should focus on build a list of technologies to focus on.
JM asked if we could make decision for chairperson. All agreed that we should focus on an interim chairperson for now, DH asked for it not to be IBM. Everyone agreed PT should do it.
SF nominated
DH seconded
All voted for it.
Phil is now Interim Chairperson
JM introduced the topic of determining projects to focus on, introduced MM to lead the discussion. MM opened the discussion, JM reminded the group of the topics discussed…
SUSE based System Z distro
PT said having no presence on SUSE is hurting adoption, so it should be a priority. SF asked what made distros a priority. MM said having an image on Docker hub made getting up and going quickly much easier. SF said it sounds like devs like to avoid ops, MM said it’s less about avoiding, more about engaging the larger community much easier. BG said there is internal SUSE discussions around adding distro support, challenge is it would be slow to build it out, but it could put pressure on hardware partners as well. PT said they would love OpenSUSE in the lab environment, when it rolls into production in 6 months it will lock down.
ACTION item: BG said he will report back on status at next meeting
DH said at SUSEcon they chatted about how could they move open source products at IBM into OpenSUSE. Working to setup a workshop 1^st^ or 2^nd^ week of December to layout that foundation. Could bring output of what they talk about into this session. MM said they also have traction with ClefOS image in Docker hub, will happen with Ubuntu once it hits the street. BG said this is something he believes we can make happen. May have challenge with mainframe due to lack of CPU power, MM said let’s start with SUSE and go from there.
MM said goal of point 2 is to build Docker hub images of OpenSUSE. Very important for SUSE to put a base image on Docker hub. BG said there are some things to work through, but he would report back on next steps. DH said this is part of the workshop. BG and PT all agreed this should work.
JM asked if we should wait till the next meeting for output of the workshops for next steps; all agreed.
JM said let’s continue conversation over email. MM said he would like others to bring to the table.