Open Mainframe Project

John Mertic, Linux Foundation

Serena Malkani, Linux Foundation

David Edelsohn, IBM

Neale Ferguson, Sine Nomine Associates

Mike Friesenegger, SUSE

Cindy Lee, IBM

Greg Wallace, Linux Foundation

Alex Kim, Vicom Infinity

Alan Warhurst, BMC

Enyu Wang, IBM

Cameron Seay, NC State A&T

Phil Tully, ADP *

Voting members not in attendance:

Berthold Gunreben, SUSE *

James Caffrey, IBM *

Dale Hoffman, IBM *

Scott Fagen, CA *

Herbert Daly, U of Bedfordshire *

(voting members denoted by asterisks)

Mr. Mertic opened the meeting at 1:06pm ET. Mr. Mertic presented the following agenda for the meeting:

- Status of the interns

- Project status for listed focus projects

- Inclusion of Bounty Source projects into TSC sanctioned work.

- Marketing focus areas

- Update on open source project list ( Cindy from IBM to do a demo )

Status of the interns

Mr. Seay presented this on behalf of Herbert Daly. He’s indicated that the US students are making great progress. Mr. Seay said Mr. Daly will provide a written update to the TSC.

Mr. Seay indicated that he has a student that Mr. Daly would like to have included in the intern program sponsorship, for him to work with Mr. Daly to coordinate and support a blockchain related hackathon. Mr. Mertic shared Mr. Seay’s request over email for approval.

Project status for listed focus projects

Updates on projects were:

  • Mr. Kim indicated that Blockchain

  • Mr. Edelsohn said that Musselc is being funded through BountySource

  • Mr. Edelsohn said that SAP has agreed to contribute their OpenJDK port for s390x to the project. There still is work in needing merging back into core.

  • Other projects are being tackled via the internship program.

Inclusion of Bounty Source projects into TSC sanctioned work

Mr. Mertic introduced Mr. Edelsohn, who managed BountySource efforts for IBM. Mr. Edelsohn brought forth the idea of using some of the developer funds for hackfests to fund targeted investment in open source for mainframe.

Ms. Lee presented the various proposed areas.

Mr. Seay asked about if the funding is pledged. Mr. Edelsohn indicated these projects aren’t on Bounty Source now, and these investment amounts are the recommendations for budget for each.

Mr. Mertic confirmed with Mr. Tully that having the TSC review and approve line-by-line over email is the next step to resolution.

Marketing focus areas

Ms. Malkani and Mr. Wallace presented a list of open source areas and asked for the group’s feedback on prioritization.

The group generally recommended starting the focus on Maria DB.

Update on open source project list

Ms. Lee provided an overview of the solution for having a searchable, open source project list. All members in attendance were pleased with this a solution. Mr. Friesenegger indicated he would ensure SUSE could support this with data from their community and enterprise offering.

Mr. Mertic indicated next actions for this was to investigate open sourcing the codebase.

Meeting Cadence

The next meeting of the TSC was scheduled for July 14^th^, 2016 at 1:00pm Eastern Time.


Mr. Mertic closed the meeting at 2:13pm Eastern Time.