Open Mainframe Project TAC Meeting - August 22, 2024

All meetings are listed on the Open Mainframe Project calendar at, subject to the mailing lists to which you are subscribed.

Conference call details

Meetings are hosted on the LFX Meeting Management platform. More details on how to register are at

Meeting Recording

A recording of the meeting and the transcript are both available at the link below:

Meeting Recording


Voting Member Attendance

  • Mike Friesenegger - Feilong Representative
  • Andrea Orth - GenevaERS Representative
  • Phil Tully - Citi
  • Joe Bostian - International Business Machines Corporation
  • Sean Grady - Zowe Representative

Quorum Achieved

Voting Members Not in Attendance

  • Gregory MacKinnon - Broadcom Corporation
  • Giancarlo Frix - Rocket Software
  • Sudharsana Srinivasan - COBOL Programming Course Representative
  • Lauren Valenti - Open Mainframe Education Representative

Other attendees

  • John Mertic, The Linux Foundation
  • Tom Slanda, The Linux Foundation
  • Daniel Horak, Red Hat, Inc.
  • Donna Hudi, Rocket Software
  • Elizabeth Joseph, International Business Machines Corporation


  • Initial policy on TAC Chair/Vice Chair [#694]
  • Reminder on project policies [#692]
  • Looking for Open Mainframe Projects for Western Students [#690]
  • Discuss Atlassian Cloud Migration [#677]
  • Mainframe infrastructure coming online status [#596]
  • COBOL Check [#578]
  • Improve the security posture of our projects [#541]


Mainframe infrastructure coming online status

John Mertic reported that the project is working with Marist College on solving networking issues.

Discuss Atlassian Cloud Migration

Mertic said the migration to Atlassian Cloud is complete. Mertic asked the TAC for their feedback and experience thus far. Elizabeth Joseph reported an issue to Tom Slanda regarding editing permissions. Slanda put in a ticket with LF Support and the issue is now resolved.

Improve the security posture of our projects

Mertic said security will be a focus for the TAC in Q4 of 2024.

Looking for Open Mainframe Projects for Western Students

Mertic reported that Western University has students that are looking for projects. Mertic asked the TAC members to reach out to Mertic or Slanda if they were interested in working with the students.

Reminder on project policies

Mertic reminded the TAC that it is best practice to start every meeting with the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy Notice. Mertic requested that any antitrust questions or concerns that arise during a meeting be brought to Open Mainframe Project staff.

TAC Chair/Vice Chair

Phil Tully said that due to his work schedule and availability, he needs help with the TAC chair position. Tully said his goal is to spread out the time commitment, as well as bring other organizations into the fold.

Mertic said the proposed policy of a Chair and Vice Chair was modeled after other communities and industry groups. Mertic added that details of the proposed policy can be found in the TAC repo.

Tully said there is no set timeline on this transition and that Tully and Mertic are looking for feedback from the TAC and other members.

Mertic said that the TAC will revisit the topic at the next meeting, and potentially have an out-of-band meeting to discuss details.


The COBOL Check annual review will be rescheduled for a future TAC meeting.