Open Mainframe Project TAC Meeting - June 27, 2024

All meetings are listed on the Open Mainframe Project calendar at, subject to the mailing lists to which you are subscribed.

Conference call details

Meetings are hosted on the LFX Meeting Management platform. More details on how to register are at

Meeting Recording

A recording of the meeting and the transcript are both available at the link below:

Meeting Recording


Voting Member Attendance

  • Mike Friesenegger - Feilong Representative
  • Andrea Orth - GenevaERS Representative
  • Lauren Valenti - Open Mainframe Education Representative
  • Sean Grady - Zowe Representative
  • Joe Bostian - International Business Machines Corporation
  • Phil Tully - Citi
  • Gregory MacKinnon - Broadcom Corporation
  • Sudharsana Srinivasan - COBOL Programming Course Representative

Quorum Achieved

Voting Members Not in Attendance

  • Giancarlo Frix - Rocket Software

Other attendees

  • Yarille Ortiz, The Linux Foundation
  • Tom Slanda, The Linux Foundation
  • John Mertic, The Linux Foundation
  • Daniel Horak, Red Hat, Inc.
  • Donna Hudi, Rocket Software


  • Mainframe Open Education [#494]
  • Mainframe infrastructure coming online status [#596]
  • New calendar for LFX Meetings [#656]


Mainframe Open Education Annual Review

Lauren Valenti presented the annual review for the Mainframe Open Education project. Phil Tully suggested that the project expand its scope beyond z/OS in order to attract more interest. John Mertic inquired about the usage of the materials. Valenti responded that adoption is increasing.

Tully motioned to renew the Mainframe Open Education project for another year. Andrea Orth seconded the motion, and all were in favor.

RESOLVED - That the Mainframe Open Education project is hereby renewed for another year.

Mainframe infrastructure coming online status

John Mertic provided an update on the mainframe infrastructure project. Mertic said the mainframe is still not online and IBM is currently assisting with the installation.

New calendar for LFX Meetings

John Mertic reported that the iCal feature will be rolling out soon. Mertic said he also submitted the feature request for notifications.