Open Mainframe Project TAC Meeting - December 14, 2023


Voting member attendance

[ ] Andrea Orth - GenevaERS Representative

[x] Giancarlo Frix - Rocket Software

[ ] Gregory MacKinnon - Broadcom Corporation

[ ] Joe Bostian - International Business Machines Corporation

[ ] Lauren Valenti - Open Mainframe Education Representative

[ ] Nikolay Gueorguiev - SUSE LLC

[ ] Phil Tully - Citi

[ ] Sean Grady - Zowe Representative

[x] Sudharsana Srinivasan - COBOL Programming Course Representative

Quorum not achieved

Other attendees

  • John Mertic
  • Yarille Kilborn
  • Len Santalucia
  • Elizabeth Joseph
  • Joe Winchester
  • Mike Friesenegger

Meeting Recording

The link to the meeting recording and transcript is here


CD Foundation Best Practices SIG (

Mr. Mertic provided an update and said the SIG has stalled out, and there have not been any real changes or progress. Mr. Mertic said he would reach out for more information.

OpenTelemetry SIG formation #535

Mr. Mertic said the group plans to kick the SIG off after the new year. This working group is centered around z/OS and Z Linux. He told the TAC to visit the issue if anyone was interested in signing up.

Review OpenSSF Best Practices badge status and LFX Security usage for projects #541

Mr. Mertic reviewed the list of projects and their stage within the OpenSSF badge certification process. He said a big focus during his project check-ins in the new year will be centered around this.

Mr. Mertic spoke about LFX Security and reminded the TAC of the features and the value.

2024 Ambassador Selections #590

The remainder of the meeting was centered around the Ambassador applications. The TAC members in attendance reviewed the list of applicants.

Ms. Srinivasan suggested selecting ambassadors scoring 18 as it would represent half of the applicants, and it would also add “rigor.” There was a discussion with the TAC members in attendance weighing the pros and cons and the individual applicants ranking between 18 and 15 and whether to extend the cutoff to 15.

Because there was not a quorum, the vote will be done via email. Ms. Kilborn will send the vote to the TAC voting members to ask about the cutoff at 15 vs.18 by way of the new LFX voting system.